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Hidden Paradise in Ora Beach, Maluku

Hidden paradise in Ora Beach, located on the island of Seram, Maluku. The beach is touted as one of the hidden paradise in Indonesia. Having a clean white sand beaches and crystal clear sea water, many people love with this place.

Ora beach has a panoramic background of green hills of the National Park Manusela and high cliffs, plus the restort houses on stilts above the sea adds to the uniqueness of this beach. With the clear sea water just below the resort and the amount that the exclusive resort of only 7 guest rooms, create the feel of a very calm seemed as there is only you in this beach. You can also read, the best tourism on Derawan island

On this afternoon I trying review the hidden paradise in Ora beach, Maluku. Hopefully it can be useful and can incraese your knowledge about the tourist attraction that exist in Indonesia.

Hidden Paradise in Ora Beach, Maluku

Pantai Ora
this picture was taken at the snorkeling spot

The advantages of this beach is in a marine wealth, in addition to the clear blue sea water and has an underwater world that has not been touched by human hands. Therefore, there are many various coral reefs are still very healthy and marine waters diverse Ora beach. You can do snorkeling and diving to enjoy underwater beauty.

Because it has a very clear waters then you do not need to dive too deep to enjoy all the underwater ecosystem, where you just enough to snorkel with a depth of about 2-3 meters you will already find various coral reefs and the various types of small fish cute.

Pantai Ora
snorkeling in Ora Beach

Ora beach has lots of spots for snorkeling and diving, which became a favorite spot of the tourists is that you can try snorkeling right beside a high cliff so that you can see the underwater ecosystem around these cliffs. Like seeing a big wall covered with many coral reefs and inhabited by various species of fish, funny, makes you hypnotized as not to take away from this place. There is also a small stage where the middle of the ocean, where it is often used as a spot to take pictures and also a place to put stuff needs of travelers during snorkeling or diving.

spot divin at Ora Beach
snorkeling on the cliff

If you snorkel or dive must be careful because this beach waters, including shallow waters and you can get hurt or scratched and damage to coral reefs. On the beach Ora are not many who provide snorkeling or diving equipment, so you can bring your own equipment or renting in the city of Ambon earlier.

Pantai Ora
underwater life in Ora Beach

Ora beach located side by sibe with Sawai Village and Saleman Village, the village is an alternative you to stay be compared at Ora Beach Resort with a hefty price. Where thr price offered by the resort's rooms floating around 750.000,00 IDR/ night and room type stage at around 450.000,00 IDR/night.

ora beach resort-min
Ora Beach Resort

Besides snorkeling and diving at the beach Ora, you can also try other activities such as exploring the National Park Manusela where in this place there are 117 species of birds including about 14 types are endemic bird such as Kasturi Ternate, Parrot nape purple/parrot black heads, parrots bayan, Maluku cockatoo, a king prawn and others.

Then you can also visit the small islands with a bout like King island, Sawai island, Bats island, Seven island, Middle island and island Sapalewa. As well you can visit the location of the spring Netherlands, given the name "Netherlands of Springs" because of who found of springs first is the Dutch people.

Pantai Ora
netherlands of springs

To reach Ora beach does require a fairly long journey, there are two alternatives that you can use that sea or air. Here's the explanantion,
  • Sea 
First you need to go Pattimura airport in Ambon. Then you went on atrip to harbor Tulehu use public transport or taxis. When you arrive at the harbour Tulehu you have to find a fast boat to the harbor Amahai, Seram island distance of about 2 hours away by fees for VIP 150.000,00 IDR/person and for the economy around 92.000,00 IDR/person. From harbor Amahai you will continue to the village of Sawai use public transportation or rent a car. Having reached the village of Sawai to reach Ora beach you have to cross about 10 minutes by motorboat.
  • Air lines
You can use the services of small plane to the airport in Ambon, then proceed with using speedboats to cross the harbor Amahai, Seram island and then continue to travel about 2 hours by motorboat towards Ora beach.

Ora beach does have a million natural potential so amazing, as in the grace of welth under the sea as well as the ecosystems and surrounding beautiful panorama is not wrong if this place was named entered as one small paradise in Indonesia. Become our collective duty to maintain and preserve this place to remain as our pride.

So my article this time about hidden paradise in Ora beach, Maluku. Hopefully can be useful and help you before visiting this place.
Hopefully it can be useful and can incraese your knowledge about the tourist attraction that exist in Indonesia">


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